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Sight Reading (Note Recognition) Apps:
Strengthen your music skills!
Rhythm Apps
Have fun learning, and become a better musician!
Excellent note and chord recognition app for acoustic instrunements, MIDI, virtual piano or answer buttons. Work your way across the stave instead of being fed one note at a time. Highly customisable.
Practice note recognition using letter names, virtual piano or via MIDI. Custom game to Identify notes with letters or solfege.
Improve note reading skills with an app that calibrates to your acoustic piano - great for hand-eye co-ordination.
Every student needs a metronome. 'Tempo' has many customisable settings and beat sounds including a voice that counts the beats for you.
Learn to understand rhythms. Work through given rhythm exercises (increasing in difficulty) while keeping in time to a metronome. Avoid the limitations of having to hear a piece in order to be able to play it. Strengthen sight reading skills and learn pieces faster as a result.
Another excellent rhythm app. Highly customisable. Generate your own rhythms to practice.
Play 2 rhythms simultaneously (one in each hand).
Aural Training Apps:
Prepare for the aural component of AMEB practical exams with these exercises tailored for each AMEB grade.
Exercises for identifying written stave notes, key signatures, intervals, scales and chords as well as doing these aurally and on the keyboard. Work on perfect and relative pitch (switch reference note on or off) and change instrument the note is played on.
Reference Apps
For intermediate to advanced students to assist with modulations and key relationships.
Great reference tool for the plethora of scales (including modes) and chords. See these written on the stave, hightlighted on the keyboard and listen to them being played.
Great app for listening to the Italian, French and German pronunciation of musical terms. Even though the search function doen't work well, it's free and you can search alphabetically on the right hand side.
Recognise intervals, scales / modes chord qualities and cadences with this highly customisable app. Has 'learn' and 'practice' function. Work on melodic or harmonic intervals and whether they are major, minor, perfect or diminished (5ths)